Gus Grissom
Ah, the sun is coming in and so all I can see really is just, ah, just darkness. The sky is very black.
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Gus Grissom
There's about 10; the handle is out from under it; here I got a little pitch rate coming back down through 7.
Gus Grissom
Okay, I'm getting some contrails, evidently shock wave, 50,000 feet; I'm feeling good. I'm very good, everything is fine.
Gus Grissom
OK, we're coming down to 15,000 feet, if anyone reads. We're on emergency flow rate, can see out the periscope OK. The drogue chute is good.
Alan Shepard
Roger, understand drogue is good, the periscope is out.
Gus Grissom
There goes the main chute, it's reefed; main chute is good; main chute is good; rate of descent coming down, coming down to – there's 40 feet per second, 30 feet per, 32 feet per second on the main chute, and the landing bag is out green.
Ah, it's better than it was, Chuck.
Liberty Bell 7, Liberty Bell 7, this is Atlantic Ship Cap Com. Read you loud and clear. Our telemetry confirms your events. Over.
Read you loud and clear. Over. Liberty Bell 7, Liberty Bell 7, this is Atlantic Ship Cap Com. How do you read me? Over.
Gus Grissom
Atlantic Ship Cap Com, this is Liberty Bell 7, I read you loud and clear. How, me? Over.
Spoken on July 21, 1961, 12:27 p.m. UTC (63 years, 7 months ago). Link to this transcript range is: Tweet